Well No.
Status: Completed
(Datum NAD-83):
36° 39' 50.772" North
116° 25' 26.835"
Legal Description:
Township 15 S Range 49 E
Section 11 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 1/4
(Datum NGVD-29):
823.37 meters AMSL (2701.7 ft +/-) GPS
Access: Take Highway 95 from Lathrop Wells
about 2.2 miles; turn north on the gravel road. Go north 1.0 mile. The
site is located on the west side of the road.
Purpose: 1) investigate the reported anomalous water level; 2) determine the
thickness and depth of the clay layer in the area west of Lathrop Wells; 3) provide
water level and water chemistry data; and 4) investigate the reported occurrence of gas
and oil shows.
NC-Washburn-1X is located near the site of an abandoned
borehole drilled in 1958. According to the Well Drillers Report for this well, the
depth to water is 815 feet below land surface. The Well Drillers Report also
indicated a show of oil and gas at a depth of 793 to 804 feet. The borehole was not
cased and has subsequently caved. To avoid problems during drilling and the
liability of plugging and abandoning the existing borehole, NC-Washburn-1X was sited about
1/4 mile from the original Washburn well site. The well was drilled to a depth of
658 feet and the static water level in the well after completion was 353.8 feet below land
surface. The clay that is 400+ feet thick at Lathrop Wells is only 7 feet thick at
NC-Washburn-1X. Water samples were collected for analysis.