Status: Completed.
(Datum NAD-83):
36o 40' 11.257" North
116o 29' 53.278" West
Legal Description:
Township 15S Range 49E
Section 7 SW 1/4 SE 1/4
(Datum NGVD-29):
786.48 meters AMSL (2,580.28 feet) GPS
Access: From the intersection of Highway 95 and Highway 373 head west on
Highway 95 about 6.0 miles to the highway gate on the north side of the road.
Follow the powerline road west for 0.4 mile.
Purpose: 1) provide lithologic samples; 2) define
the valley-fill
stratigraphic sequence and groundwater flow paths down-gradient of the proposed
repository; and 3) provide water level and water chemistry data.
NC-EWDP-15P is located along a key groundwater pathway
between Yucca Mountain and the Amargosa Desert. NC-EWDP-15P is a piezometer that
will be used as an observation point during the testing of NC-EWDP-15D which will be
completed in future EWDP Phases.