(Datum NAD-83):
36o 40' 15.440" North
116o 26' 55.593" West
Legal Description:
Township 15S, Range 49E
Section 3 SW 1/4 SE 1/4
(Datum NGVD-29):
819.41 meters AMSL (2,688.35 feet) GPS
Access: From the intersection of Highway 95 and Highway 373, go west on
Highway 95 approximately 0.2 miles to the intersection of Highway 95 and the Gate 510
road, go north 1.8 miles to the Powerline Road, turn left (west) just
south of the 510 gate, continue 2.5 miles along Powerline Road.
NC-EWDP-19PB was designed to serve as a test borehole of
the sonic coring method. The upper 350 feet of the borehole was
drilled using conventional rotary drilling methods and cased off to
provide access for core drilling. The lower section was continuously cored
using the sonic coring method in the saturated zone form 350 to 634 feet
below ground surface (bgs). The borehole serves as a dual completion
piezometer well with screens at depths corresponding to the upper two
screens of other multiple-screen wells located at the Alluvial Tracer
Complex. Primary technical objectives include: 1) collect and
geologically log continuous sonic core samples from approximately 350 to
634 feet bgs and run borehole geophysical logs to approximately 634 feet;
2) run laboratory tests of textural layers within the core; 3) use these
data to define the stratigraphic sequence and to better characterize
geologic structural boundaries immediately south of the proposed
repository; and 4) provide water level and water chemistry data.