Well No.
(Datum NAD-83):
36° 40' 11.529" North
116° 22' 37.071"
Legal Description:
Township 15 S Range 50 E
Section 8 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 1/4
(Datum NGDV-29):
839.22 meters AMSL (2753.35 feet +/-) GPS
Access: Take Highway 95 north to the Nevada
Test Site (NTS) Gate 510 access road; turn
north. Go north about 1.8 miles to the gravel road just south of the NTS boundary;
turn east and go 1.4 miles.
Purpose: 1) provide lithologic samples of deposits; 2) define stratigraphic
sequence and groundwater flow paths down-gradient of proposed repository; and, 3)
provide water level and water chemistry data.
NC-EWDP-5S is located adjacent to an existing powerline
road immediately south of the Nevada Test Site boundary. The site was selected for a
shallow (500 feet) well to help define the hydraulic gradient between the Lathrop Wells
area and Rock Valley. The borehole was drilled and logged to a total depth of 1,200
feet. During drilling, the first 500 feet were drilled with no indication of water,
however, after a break in operations, groundwater was measured at 375 feet below land
surface. The borehole was advanced to a total depth of 1,200 feet and a single
piezometer was set for long-term water level and water chemistry monitoring.