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Status: Exploratory Borehole (Abandoned)

Latitude/Longitude (Datum NAD-83):  1S_tm.gif (65884 bytes) 
 36° 41' 44.613" North 
116° 33' 46.723" West

Legal Description:  
Township 14 S Range 48 E
Section 33 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 1/4

Elevation (Datum NGVD-29): 
797.31 m
eters AMSL (2615.8 ft +/-) GPS

Access:  Take Highway 95 from the Lathrop Wells Jct. 9.4 miles to the gate on the north side of the highway.  Take the gravel road 0.3 miles and turn east.

Purpose:  The purpose of the NC-EWDP-9S drillhole was to 1) provide lithologic samples of spring deposits; 2) define valley-fill stratigraphic sequence and groundwater flow paths down-gradient of proposed repository; and 3) provide water level and water chemistry data.

NC-EWDP-9S was drilled to 77.7 feet and core samples were logged. Drilling was stopped at NC-EWDP-9S due to drilling difficulties and lack of recovery.  Drilling operations were moved to 9SX to complete the drilling objective at this general location.


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Last Updated on July 23, 2006