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Status: 1D_tm2.gif (65901 bytes) Completed

Latitude/Longitude (Datum NAD-83):    
36o 40' 10.874" North
116o 29' 52.158" West

Legal Description:   
Township 15S Range 49E    
Section 7 SW 1/4 SE 1/4

Elevation (Datum NGVD-29): 
786.94 meters AMSL (2,581.79 feet) GPS

Access:  From the intersection of Highway 95 and Highway 373, go west on Highway 95 approximately 6.0 miles to the highway gate on the north side of the road.  Follow the powerline road west for 0.4 mile.

Purpose: 1) provide lithologic samples;    2) define valley-fill stratigraphic sequence and groundwater flow paths down-gradient of the proposed repository; and 3) provide water level and water chemistry data.

NC-EWDP-15D is located along a key groundwater pathway between Yucca Mountain and the Amargosa Desert.  This site was selected to define the number and types of aquifers present in the Fortymile Wash area down-gradient of Yucca Mountain.  Current plans call for this well to be deepened and completed as a monitoring well.  Temperature data from the deep well planned for this location could be of importance.  This site is proximal to an ancient cinder cone (Cinderlite operation).  A temperature log at this location will be used in conjunction with logs from other EWDP wells to further evaluate the thermal regime down-gradient of Yucca Mountain.

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Last Updated on July 23, 2006