Well No. NC-EWDP-7S
(Datum NAD-83):
36o 43' 32.019" North
116o 33' 25.209" West
Legal Description:
Township 14S Range 48E
Section 22 NW 1/4 SE 1/4
(Datum NGVD-29):
836.88 meters AMSL (2,745.64 feet) GPS
Access: NC-EWDP-7S is in a remote location
an is accessible via a poorly maintained road.
Please contact the Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Project
Office (NWRPO) to arrange access to this site.
Purpose: 1) provide lithologic samples; 2) define valley-fill stratigraphic
sequence and groundwater flow paths down-gradient of the proposed repository; and 3)
provide water level and water chemistry data.
NC-EWDP-7S is located on a paleospring deposit at the south
end of Crater Flat. This site was selected to determine the depth to groundwater,
the chemical nature of that groundwater, and to provide samples of the paleospring
deposits. The paleospring likely discharged to the land surface in Pleistocene time
during a wetter climate. A better understanding of these spring deposits along with
those at NC-EWDP-1D and NC-EWDP-9S could provide insight into the likely consequences of
future climate change on the performance of a repository at Yucca Mountain.