(Datum NAD-83):
36° 42' 15.777"
116° 26' 52.692"
Legal Description:
Township 14S Range 49E
Section 27 NE 1/4 SW 1/4
Ground Elevation
(Datum NGDV-29):
850.03 meters AMSL (2788.81 feet)
From the
intersection of Highway 95 and Highway 373, go west on Highway 95 about
0.2 miles to the intersection of Highway 95 and the Gate 510 road. Go
north 1.8 miles to Powerline Road, turn left (west) just south of the
510 gate, continue 2.5 miles along Powerline Road, turn right just east
of site 19 and continue approximately 2.1 miles along the road to the
well site.
Purpose: The
NC-EWDP-24PB borehole was designed to serve as a specialized well for
proposed future tracer testing. The borehole was drilled to
approximately 1,500 feet below ground surface and completed as a
piezometer well with a single screen extending across the water table.
The borehole was completed to 1,394 feet
after meeting geologic objectives. Primary technical objectives
include: 1) collect and geologically log continuous drill cutting
samples and run borehole geophysical logs to approximately 1,394 feet;
2) conduct Fluid Electrical Conductivity (FEC) logging to define flowing
intervals and measure specific discharge; 3) provide water level and
water chemistry data; 4) serve as a tracer testing well for single well
tests in fractured volcanic rocks; and 5) serve as a potential location
for natural gradient cross hole tracer testing at the water table.