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The following files provide the electronic versions of EWDP technical data submitted to the NWRPO QA Records Center.   The "RID#" is a unique identifier that is used to reference a technical data submittal to the NWRPO QA Records Center.  The "Description" field provides a brief title for the data and the electronic format.  The "Data Files" field holds the data to be downloaded. "Metadata" is a report that describes the data, and provides important information about any constraints on the use of the data.  "Date Posted or Revised" is the date the data were posted to this page, or the date a revision to the data  were reposted to this page.    "LSN" signifies the data have been posted to the Licensing Support Network. Please keep in mind the data files can be very large and may require several minutes to download.

Data posted on this page include: Water Level Data, Westbay Water Elevation and Temperature Data, Pump Test Westbay Data, Tracer Test Data,  and Geochemistry Data.



Water Level Data  

EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements for wells 1D,  1S, 3D, 3S, 5S, 9S and Washburn 1x thru 8/27/99. Figures in .pdf format

YMP DTN: MO9911NYE01441    TDIF: 309200

Superseded by RID2366 Superseded
by RID2366
2/23/00 X

EWDP Phase I Manual Water Level Spreadsheets (12-03-98 through 2-29-00).   Data tables in .xls format. 

 YMP DTN: MO0004NYE2366.005

Superseded by RID4449 Superseded 
by RID4449
04/21/00 X
3734 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase II Wells for 01/00 - 11/00.  Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet

YMP DTN: MO0101NYE03734.073     TDIF: 311709
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
by RID6360
10/19/04 X
4449 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase I Wells 1DX (pre-completion, 1DX (deep piezometer, 1DX shallow piezometer, 1S, 2D, 3S, 3D, 5S, 9SX and Washburn 1X (Rev. 3).  Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet. 

YMP DTN: MO0112NYE04449.088    TDIF: 312639
Superseded by RID5354 Superseded
 by RID5354
10/12/01 X
4681 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase II Wells for 11/00 - 10/01. Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet.

YMP DTN: MO0204NYE04681.113   TDIF 313026
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
 by RID6360
10/19/04 X
5111 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase II Wells for 11/01 - 04/02.  Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet.

YMP DTN MO0306NYE05111.151  TDIF 314294
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
 by RID6360
10/19/04 X
5281 Revised Water Level Measurement Database Containing Locations for Domestic Wells in Pahrump and Amargosa Valley 

YMP DTN:  MO0307NYE05281.191  TDIF 315166
RID5281.zip meta5281.pdf 09/10/03 X
5354 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase I Wells for 12/3/98 - 5/2/01 (revision 4). Supersedes RID 4449. Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet. 

YMP  DTN:  MO0306NYE05354.152    TDIF 314295
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
 by RID6360
10/19/04 X
5355 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase III Wells for 11/09/01 - 10/01/02.  Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet. 

YMP DTN:  MO0306NYE05355.153    TDIF 314296
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
 by RID6360
10/19/04 X
5382 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase I Wells for 09/01 - 04/02. Supersedes RID 5110. Data tables are in .xls format - each well is on a tab (sheet) in the spreadsheet.  

YMP DTN:  MO0306NYE05382.154    TDIF 314298
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
 by RID6360
10/19/04 X
5819 Manual Water Level Data for EWDP Phase I Wells from 05/02 - 08/03, Phase II Wells from 05/02 - 08/03, Phase III Wells from 11/02 - 08/03 and Phase IV Wells from 01/03 - 08/03.  Data table is in .xls format.

YMP DTN: MO0405NYE05819.215 YMP TDIF 316495
Superseded by RID6360 Superseded
 by RID6360
10/19/04 X
6360 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through June 2004
Supersedes RID 3734, RID 4681, RID 5111, RID 5354, RID 5355, RID 5382 and RID 5819

YMP DTN: MO0411NYE06360     TDIF 317073



metadata revised 8/20/07
6361 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells Through June 2004

YMP DTN: MO0411NYE06361.303     TDIF 317070
Superseded by RID 7629 Superseded
 by RID 7629
6630 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells Through February 2005.

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06630.322     TDIF: 317637

Superseded by RID 7629

 by RID 7629
5/05/11 X
6631 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through February 2005.

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06631.323     TDIF: 317638


meta6631.pdf 06/28/05

metadata revised 8/20/07
7044 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through February 2006

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE7044.362     TDIF: 318982


meta7044.pdf meta7044_attach.pdf 11/10/06
metadata revised 8/29/07
7045 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells Through February 2006

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE7045.363     TDIF: 318983

Superseded by RID 7629

 by RID 7629
5/05/11 X
7122 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through November 2006

YMP DTN: MO0612NYE07122.370     TDIF: 319082


12/14/06 X
7222 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells Through March 2007.

YMP DTN: MO0709NYE07222.435     TDIF: 320012

Superseded by RID 7629

 by RID 7629
7223 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through March 2007.

YMP DTN: MO0709NYE07223.436     TDIF: 320013

Superseded by RID 7618

 by RID 7618
08/30/07 X
7421 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through September 2007

YMP DTN: MO0804NYE07421.456     TDIF: 320221

Superseded by RID 7618

 by RID 7618
04/16/08 X
7422 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells Through September 2007

YMP DTN: MO0804NYE07422.457     TDIF: 320222

Superseded by RID 7629

 by RID 7629
7618 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements Through November 2008 (Supersedes RIDs 7223 and 7421)

YMP DTN: MO1002NYE07618.505     TDIF: 320450


5/16/11 X
7629 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells Through November 2008 (Supersedes RIDs 6361, 6630, 7045, 7222 and 7422).

Superseded by RID 7629.01

 by RID 7629.01
5/16/11 X
7629.01 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells through November 2008 (Supersedes RID 7629).



03/07/12 X
7904 EWDP Manual Water Level Measurements from December 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010.


meta7904.pdf 5/16/11 X
7925 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells from December 2008 through December 2010.


meta7925.pdf 03/05/12 X
8039 Manual Water Level Measurements in Private Wells from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.


meta8039.pdf 03/05/12 X
Westbay Water Elevation and Temperature Data  

Pressure and Temperature  Data from Phase I EWDP Westbay Instrumented Wells 1D, 3S and 9S (5/6/99 thru 10/18/99).  Data tables in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO9911NYE1443.001

Superseded by RID1444

by RID1444
11/05/99 X

Pressure and Temperature  Data from Phase I EWDP Westbay Instrumented Wells 1S (5/6/99 thru 10/18/99).   Data tables in .xls format.  

YMP DTN: MO9911NYE1444.002

Superseded by RID2997 Superseded
by RID2997
11/05/99 X
2996 Pressure and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented EWDP Phase I wells:  EWDP 1-S,   EWDP-3S, and EWDP-9SX (10/18/99 thru 4/26/00).  Data tables are in .xls format.

YMP DTN:  MO0008NYE02996.032      TDIF:  311043


meta2996.pdf 10/11/01 X
2997 Pressure and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented EWDP Phase I wells:  EWDP 1-S,   EWDP-1DX, EWDP-3S, and EWDP-9SX (5/6/99 thru 10/18/99).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0008NYE02997.033      TDIF:  311044


meta2997.pdf 10/11/01 X
3256 Pressure and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented EWDP Phase I wells:  EWDP 1S,   EWDP-3S, and EWDP-9SX (04/26/00 to 08/04/00).  Data tables are in .xls format.

YMP DTN:  MO0009NYE03256.058     TDIF:  311243


meta3256.pdf 10/11/01 X
3761 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-9SX (8/4/00 to 12/6/00).  Data tables are in .xls format.  
YMP DTN: MO0104NYE03761.073      TDIF:  311903


meta3761.pdf 10/11/01 X
3762 Water Elevation and Temperature Data
from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-3S (8/4/00 to 12/6/00).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0104NYE03762.074       TDIF:  311904


meta3762.pdf 03/27/01 X
3763 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-1S (8/4/00 to 12/6/00).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0104NYE03763.075      TDIF:  311905


meta3763.pdf 03/27/01 X
4266 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-1S (12/07/00 to 4/17/01).  Data tables are in .xls format.

YMP DTN: MO0112NYE04266.090      TDIF: 312641


meta4266.pdf 10/24/01 X
4267 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-3S (12/06/00 to 3/13/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0112NYE04267.091     TDIF: 312642


meta4267.pdf 10/24/01 X
4439 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-7SC (4/24/01 to 7/17/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0112NYE04439.092     TDIF: 312643

Superseded by RID4760

Superseded by RID4760 10/24/01 X
4621 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-1S (5/9/01 - 8/15/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0202NYE04621.109      TDIF 312809


meta4621.pdf 01/29/02 X
4622 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-3S (6/08/01 - 8/15/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0202NYE04622.110      TDIF 312810


meta4622.pdf 01/29/02 X
4623 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-9SX (6/08/01 - 8/15/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0202NYE04623.111      TDIF 312811

Superseded by RID4864

Superseded by RID4864 06/18/02 X
4760 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-7SC (4/24/01 to 7/17/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

 YMP DTN: MO0201NYE04760.102      TDIF: 312765

Superseded by RID5446

Superseded by RID5446 1/24/02 X
4807 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-9SX (8/15/01 - 12/6/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04807.122      TDIF 313205


meta4807.pdf 06/18/02 X
4808 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-7SC (7/17/01 - 12/27/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04808.123      TDIF 313206

Superseded by RID5447

Superseded by RID5447 10/15/03 X
4809 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-1S (8/15/01 - 12/27/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04809.124      TDIF 313207


meta4809.pdf 06/18/02 X
4810 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-3S (8/15/01 - 12/27/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04810.125     TDIF 313208


meta4810.pdf 06/18/02 X
4811 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-15P (5/30/00 - 4/27/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04811.126      TDIF 313209


meta4811.pdf 06/18/02 X
4812 Water Elevation and Temperature Data
from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-4PA (8/21/00 - 2/22/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04812.127      TDIF 313210


meta4812.pdf 06/18/02 X
4813 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-4PB (8/21/00 - 4/27/01).  Data tables are in .xls format. 

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04813.128      TDIF 313211


meta4813.pdf 06/18/02 X
4814 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well NC-EWDP-Washburn 1X (5/31/00 - 4/14/01).  Data tables are in .xls format.

YMP DTN: MO0207NYE04814.129      TDIF 313212 


meta4814.pdf 06/18/02 X
4864 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-9SX  (6/08/01 - 8/15/01). 
Data table is in .xls format. 


meta4864.pdf 06/18/02 X
5442 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-1S (12/27/01 - 4/4/02). 
Data table is in .xls format. 
YMP DTN: MO0306NYE05442.155 
TDIF 314299


meta5442.pdf 3/10/03 X
5443 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-1S (4/5/02-6/6/02).  Data table is in .xls format. 


meta5443.pdf 12/07/03 X
5444 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-9SX (12/27/01 - 4/4/02).  Data table is in .xls format. 


meta5444.pdf 12/07/03 X
5445 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-9SX (4/5/02 - 9/25/02).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05445.206      TDIF 315895


meta5445.pdf 8/17/2004 X
5446 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-7SC (4/24/01 - 7/17/01).  Data table is in .xls format.  Supersedes RID 4760.


meta5446.pdf 12/07/03 X
5447 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-7SC (7/18/01 - 12/27/01).  Data table is in .xls format.  Supersedes RID 4808


meta5447.pdf 12/07/03 X
5448 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-7SC (12/27/01 - 4/4/02).  Data table is in .xls format. 


meta5448.pdf 12/07/03 X
5449 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-7SC (4/5/02 - 9/12/02).  Data table is in .xls format. 


meta5449.pdf 12/07/03 X
5757 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-7SC (11/7/02 - 5/8/03).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0502NYE05757.308     TDIF 317221


meta5757.pdf 11/11/04 X
5758 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-10S (5/7/02 - 5/29/03).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0502NYE05758.309     TDIF 317222


meta5758.pdf 11/11/04 X
6401 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-22S (12/18/03 - 5/18/04).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0505NYE06401.317     TDIF 317450


meta6401.pdf 5/10/05 X
6402 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-10S (5/30/03 - 5/18/04).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0502NYE06402.307     TDIF 317220


meta6402.pdf 1/28/05 X
6403 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-9SX (9/25/02 - 5/1/03).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0502NYE06403.306     TDIF 317219


meta6403.pdf 1/28/05 X
6409 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-19IM1 (1/24/03 - 4/15/03).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0502NYE06409.310     TDIF 317223


meta6409.pdf 11/11/04 X
6410 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-22S (3/27/03 - 12/17/03).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0502NYE06410.311     TDIF 317224


meta6410.pdf 11/11/04 X
6503 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-10S (5/18/04 - 12/14/04).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06503.318     TDIF: 317631


meta6503.pdf 06/28/05 X
6549 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-22S (5/18/04 - 11/16/04).  Data table is in .xls format. 

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06549.319     TDIF: 317632


meta6549.pdf 06/28/05 X
7300 Water Elevation and Temperature Data from Westbay instrumented well EWDP-10S (12/14/04 - 09/13/05).  Data table is in .xls format. 

 YMP DTN: MO0709NYE07300.437     TDIF: 320014


meta7300.pdf 08/30/07 X
Pump Test Westbay Data  
5007 NC-EWDP-22S Pump Test Westbay Data (3/15/02 to 3/25/02).

YMP DTN: MO0701NYE05007.371     TDIF: 319185


meta5007.pdf 01/05/07 X
5798 NC-EWDP-22S Zone #1 Pump Test Westbay Data (8/4/03 to 8/7/03).

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE05798.357     TDIF: 318977


meta5798.pdf 11/09/06 X
5799 NC-EWDP-22S Zone #2 Pump Test Westbay Data (8/8/03 to 8/14/03).

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE05799.358     TDIF: 318978


meta5799.pdf 11/09/06 X
5863 NC-EWDP-22S Zone #3 Pump Test Westbay Data (9/4/03 to 9/10/03).

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE05863.359     TDIF: 318979



11/09/06 X
5875 NC-EWDP-22S Zone #4 Pump Test Westbay Data (9/18/03 to 9/25/03).

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE05875.360     TDIF: 318980



11/09/06 X
Tracer Test Data  
6713 Original Westbay Pressure and Temperature Data Downloaded from Westbay instrumented Well NC-EWDP-22S, -22PA, -22PB, and -22PC Covering the Period from 12/01/04 to 8/24/05.

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE06713.355     TDIF: 318975


meta6713.pdf 11/09/06 X
6785 Original Westbay Pressure and Temperature Data Downloaded from Westbay instrumented Well NC-EWDP-22S, -22PA, -22PB, and -22PC Covering the Period from 8/24/05 to 11/02/05.

YMP DTN: MO0611NYE06785.356     TDIF: 318976


meta6785.pdf 11/09/06 X
7728 HPLC IC and ICPMS Analyses of Natural Gradient Tracer Test (NGTT) Water Samples.  Data collected at Site 22 during the period from 12/10/2008 to 11/20/2009.


meta7728.pdf 8/30/10 X
7730 Westbay Original Data Files for Natural Gradient Tracer Test (NGTT) Pumpback.  Data collected at Site 22 (NC-EWDP-22S,    -22PA, and -22PC) during the period from 10/1/2009 to 11/16/2009.


meta7730.pdf 8/26/10 X
Geochemistry Data  
1036 First Geochemical Data for EWDP from Geochron Laboratories.  
YMP DTN: MO9912NYE01036.003     TDIF: 309490
meta1036.pdf 3/13/07 X

Quality Assurance List of Water Samples Collected, Purpose of Each Sample, and Laboratory Sent To by Don Shettel for Nye County EWDP in FY 2000.

meta1391.pdf 12/16/99 X

Revised Electronic Transmission of Isotopic and TDIC Data from the Institute for Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

YMP DTN: MO9912NYE01477.004


meta1477.pdf 12/16/99 X

Isotopic analytical results from the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Science for EWDP water samples collected during Spring 2000 / hydrochemistry.  Data tables are in .xls format.

YMP DTN: MO0104NYE04005.077      TDIF: 311925


meta4005.pdf 05/01/01 X

Barringer Laboratories Analytical Report for Dissolved Radioactivity of Water Samples from Fall 2000 Sampling.


meta4014.pdf 10/27/01 X

Uranium, Strontium, Sulfur and Lead Isotopic Analysis from Geochron Laboratories in July 1999 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples.


meta4062.pdf 10/27/01 X

Radioactivity Analyses from Barringer Laboratories on 3/7/00 to GMII for Second Set of Bailed Water Samples from NC-EWDP-4PA and NC-EWDP-4PB.

YMP DTN:  MO0204NYE04063.115     TDIF 313031


meta4063.pdf 04/24/02 X

Radioactivity Analyses from Barringer Laboratories on 3/21/00 for "First Occurrence of Water" Sampled from NC-EWDP-19P.


meta4064.pdf 10/29/01 X

Radioactivity Analyses from Barringer Laboratories on 3/30/00 for Filtered "First Occurrence of Water" Sample from NC-EWDP-4PA.


meta4067.pdf 10/27/01 X

Radioactivity Analyses from Barringer Laboratories on 3/30/00 for Water Samples Collected from NC-EWDP-4PA and NC-EWDP-4PB on 3/10/00.


meta4068.pdf 10/27/01 X

Isotopic Analyses from the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Ltd. (New Zealand) for EWDP Phase I Water Samples Collected July and November 1999.


meta4069.pdf 10/27/01 X

Radioactivity Results reported by Barringer Laboratories, Inc. (Golden, CO) on 3/8/00 for Water Samples Collected 2/25/00 - 2/27/00 from NC-EWDP-7S and NC-EWDP-15P.


meta4070.pdf 10/27/01 X

Stable Isotopic Results Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 3/5/01 for EWDP Fall 2000 Water Sampling.


meta4072.pdf 10/27/01 X

Nitrogen Isotope Data Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 11/30/99 for EWDP Water Samples.


meta4073.pdf 10/27/01 X

Strontium Ratio Data Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 4/21/99 for EWDP "First Occurrence of Water" at NC-EWDP-9SX.


meta4074.pdf 10/27/01 X

Stable Isotope Results Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 9/30/99 for EWDP Water Samples.


meta4075.pdf 10/27/01 X

Radioactivity Results Reported by Barringer Laboratories, Inc. on 6/30/00 for Spring 2000 EWDP Water Sampling.


meta4078.pdf 10/27/01 X

Isotope Data Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 3/25/99 for EWDP "First Occurrence of Water" Samples.


meta4079.pdf 3/13/07 X

Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometry Results Reported by Desert Research Institute - Water Resource Center (Reno, NV) on 3/5/01 for EWDP Water Samples.


meta4080.pdf 10/27/01 X
4096 Strontium Isotopic Ratios reported by Geochron Laboratories on 2/1/00 to GMII for water samples from NC-EWDP-5S ('first water') and Bond Gold Mining Well 13 (pump test).

YMP DTN:  MO0204NYE04096.116      TDIF 313032


meta4096.pdf 04/24/02 X

Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Isotopic Ratios Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 01/26/00 to GMII for EWDP Phase I Water Sampled 11/99.

YMP DTN:  MO0205NYE04097.118      TDIF 313066


meta4097.pdf 04/23/02 X
4384 "First Water" Chemical Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute, Water Resource Center on 1/6/95 for UE-25 ONC#1 Water Samples .


meta4384.pdf 10/25/01 X
4385 "First Water" Chemical Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute, Water Resource Center in February 1999 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples .

Superseded by RID4385 Rev. 1

Superseded by RID4385 Rev. 1 10/25/01  
4385.1 "First Water" Chemical Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute, Water Resource Center in February 1999 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples  - Revision 1.

YMP DTN: MO0704NYE04385.390      TDIF 319610


meta4385_1.pdf 08/21/07 X
4386 Isotopic Analyses Reported by Geochron Laboratories during June 1999 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples.


meta4386.pdf 10/25/01 X
4387 Isotopic Analyses Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 5/9/00 for EWDP Water Samples.


meta4387.pdf 10/25/01 X
4388 Sulfur Isotopic Analyses Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 12/29/99 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples.


meta4388.pdf 10/25/01 X
4389 Sulfur Isotopic Analyses Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 3/9/00 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples.


meta4389.pdf 10/25/01 X
4390 Radioactivity Analyses reported by Barringer Laboratories, Inc. (Golden, CO) on 1/19/00 for EWDP Phase I November, 1999 Water Sampling.


meta4390.pdf 10/25/01 X
4391 Uranium and Lead Isotopic Ratios reported by Geochron Laboratories on 5/22/00 for EWDP Water Samples.

YMP DTN: MO0702NYE04391.377     TDIF 319456
YMP DTN: MO0705NYE04391.396     TDIF 319621


meta4391.pdf 10/25/01 X
4392 Stable Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 5/24/00 for EWDP and Ponderosa Dairy Water Samples.


meta4392.pdf 10/25/01 X
4393 Report of Analytical Results from Elemental Research, Inc. to GMII for Sediment Settled from "first occurrence of water" from NC-EWDP-4pa. 

YMP DTN: MO0201NYE04393.094      TDIF 312710


meta4393.pdf 12/18/01 X
4394 Isotopic Analyses from the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (New Zealand) for EWDP-4PA and EWDP-4PB Water Samples Collected in March, 2000.


meta4394.pdf 10/25/01 X
4395 Sulfur Isotopic Analyses Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 6/30/00 for EWDP-4PA and EWDP-4PB and Ponderosa Dairy Water Samples .


meta4395.pdf 10/25/01 X
4397 Nitrogen Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 9/13/00 for EWDP Phase II and Ponderosa Dairy Water Samples.


meta4397.pdf 10/25/01 X
4398 Sulfur Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 11/22/00 for EWDP Water Sampled in May 2000.


meta4398.pdf 10/25/01 X
4399 Radioactivity Analyses reported by Barringer Laboratories, Inc. (Golden, CO) on 7/8/99 for EWDP Phase I Spring 1999 Water Sampling.


meta4399.pdf 10/25/01 X
4400 Sulfur Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 8/11/00 for EWDP Phase II Water Sampled May 2000.


meta4400.pdf 10/25/01 X
4401 Sulfur Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 9/28/00 for EWDP Water Samples.


meta4401.pdf 10/25/01 X
4402 Strontium Isotopic Ratios Reported by Geochron Laboratories on 7/14/00 for EWDP Spring 2000 Water Sampling.


meta4402.pdf 10/29/01 X
4403 Uranium and Lead Isotopic Ratios reported by Geochron Laboratories on 12/20/00 for EWDP May and June 2000  Water Samples.

YMP DTN: MO0702NYE04403.376     TDIF 319455
YMP DTN: MO0705NYE04403.409     TDIF 319685


meta4403.pdf 10/25/01 X
4404 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 9/13/00 for EWDP Spring 2000 Water Samples.


meta4404.pdf 10/25/01 X
4405 Major Anion, Cation and Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute, Water Resources Center Water Lab (Reno, NV) for EWDP Phase II Fall 2000 Water Samples.


meta4405.pdf 10/25/01 X
4406 Nitrogen Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 11/22/00 for EWDP and McCracken Well Spring 2000 Water Samples.


meta4406.pdf 10/25/01 X
4407 Stable Isotopic Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 7/24/00 for EWDP Phase II and McCracken Well Spring 2000 Water Samples.


meta4407.pdf 10/25/01 X
4408 Radioactive Analyses reported by Barringer Laboratories, Inc. (Golden, CO) on 8/26/99 for EWDP Phase I Water Sampling May 1999 and Bond Gold Mining Well 13 Water Sampling July 1999.


meta4408.pdf 10/25/01 X
4410 Nitrogen Isotopic Stable Analyses reported by Geochron Laboratories on 7/18/01 for EWDP Phase II Water Sampled November 2000.


meta4410.pdf 10/25/01 X
4412 Major Anion, Cation, and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 12/8/99 for EWDP Phase I Water Samples.


meta4412.pdf 10/25/01 X
4413 Major Anion, Cation, and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 1/14/00 for a Water Sample from EWDP-4PA.


meta4413.pdf 10/25/01 X
4414 Major Anion, Cation, and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 4/5/99 for a Water Sample from EWDP-3D.


meta4414.pdf 10/25/01 X
4415 Major Anion, Cation, and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 5/2/00 for  Water Samples from EWDP-12PA and the Ponderosa Dairy Well.


meta4415.pdf 10/25/01 X
4416 Major Anion, Cation, and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 8/5/99 for  Water Samples from EWDP-5S and the Bond Gold Mining Well 13.


meta4416.pdf 10/25/01 X
4417 Major Anion, Cation, and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 9/27/99 for  Water Samples from EWDP-5S and the Bond Gold Mining Well 13.


meta4417.pdf 10/25/01 X
4418 Hydrocarbon Analyses from Alpha Analytical, Inc. on 8/4/00 for Water Samples from EWDP-1DX

Superseded by RID4854

Superseded by RID4854 06/18/02 X
4419 "First Water" Semi-volatile Compounds Analyses from Friedman & Bruya, Inc. on 8/25/00 for NC-EWDP-1DX Water Sample.


meta4419.pdf 10/29/01 X
4854 Hydrocarbon Analyses from Alpha Analytical, Inc. on 8/4/00 for Water Samples from NC-EWDP-1DX (hydrogeochemistry).

YMP DTN:  MO0709NYE04854.440     TDIF 320040


meta4854.pdf 06/18/02 X
4867 Major Anion, Cation and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 2/04/99 for Water Samples from NC-EWDP-1DX, -9SX, -2D, and -3D (hydrogeochemistry).
YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04867.145     TDIF 313261


meta4867.pdf 07/05/02 X
4868 Major Anion, Cation and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 6/04/99 for Water Samples from NC-EWDP-1S, -1DX, -3S, and -3D (hydrogeochemistry).

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04868.146     TDIF 313262


meta4868.pdf 07/05/02 X
4869 Major Anion, Cation and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 6/07/99 for Water Samples from NC-EWDP-1S, 9SX, and -3S (hydrogeochemistry).

YMP DTN:  MO0207NYE04869.147     TDIF 313263


meta4869.pdf 07/05/02 X
4872 Isotopic Analyses  Reported by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Science (New Zealand)  on 05/30/01 for EWDP Phase II Water Samples Collected 10/00 (hydrogeochemistry).


meta4872.pdf 06/18/02 X
4902 Major Anion, Cation and Selected Trace Element Analyses reported by Desert Research Institute on 6/1 - 6/2/00 for EWDP Water Samples (hydrogeochemistry).


meta4902.pdf 06/18/02 X
5434 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-10P. 

YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05434.207     TDIF 315905


meta5434.pdf 8/17/04 X
5435 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-18P. 

YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05435.208     TDIF 315906


meta5435.pdf 8/17/04 X
5436 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-10S.
YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05436.209     TDIF 315907


meta5436.pdf 8/17/04 X
5437 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-22PB.

YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05437.210     TDIF 315913


meta5437.pdf 8/17/04 X
5438 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-22PA. 
YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05438.211      TDIF 315914


meta5438.pdf 8/17/04 X
5439 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-22S.

YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05439.212     TDIF 315915


meta5439.pdf 8/17/04 X
5441 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-7SC. 

YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05441.213     TDIF 315917


meta5441.pdf 8/17/04 X
5477 Water Geochemistry Data reported by NEL Laboratories for NC-EWDP-19IM1 and J-13.
YMP DTN: MO0312NYE05477.214      TDIF 315918


meta5477.pdf 8/17/04 X
6311 Groundwater Isotope Geochemistry Data Analyzed by Geochron Laboratories (8/02 through 10/02).

YMP DTN: MO0410NYE06311.294      TDIF 317005


meta6311.pdf 8/24/04 X
6312 Gross Alpha and Beta results by Radiation Safety Engineering (RSE) for EWDP groundwater samples collected from 8/03-11/03 and 5/10/04-5/13/04.

YMP DTN: MO0410NYE06312.300     TDIF 317016


meta6312.pdf 8/27/04 X
6316 Major Ion and Metals Analyses for EWDP Groundwater Samples Collected from 8/03 - 11/03.

YMP DTN: MO0411NYE06316.301     TDIF 317068


meta6316.pdf 10/19/04 X
6400 Major Ion and Metals Analyses for EWDP Groundwater Samples Collected in May 2004.

YMP DTN: MO0411NYE06400.304     TDIF 317071


meta6400.pdf 10/20/04 X
6577 Gross Alpha and Beta Results from Radiation Safety Engineering (RSE) for NC-EWDP-4PA Groundwater Samples Collected 11/10/04 and 12/06/04.

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06577.324     TDIF: 317639


meta6577.pdf 06/29/05 X
6579 Major Ion and Metals Analyses from Desert Research Institute (DRI) for NC-EWDP-4PA Groundwater Samples Collected on 11/10/04 and 12/06/04.

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06579.325     TDIF: 317640


meta6579.pdf 06/29/05 X
6582 Isotope Analyses from University of Waterloo's Environmental Isotope Lab (EIL) for EWDP Groundwater Samples Collected from August 2003 to May 2004.

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06582.320     TDIF: 317634


meta6582.pdf 06/28/05 X
6615 Isotope Analyses from University of Waterloo's Environmental Isotope Lab (EIL) for EWDP Groundwater Samples Collected from NC-EWDP-4PA on 11/10/04 and 12/06/04.

YMP DTN: MO0507NYE06615.321     TDIF: 317636


meta6615.pdf 06/28/05 X
6820 Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and Tritium Results from Radiation Safety Engineering (RSE) for Groundwater Samples Collected at EWDP Wells NC-EWDP-27P, -16P, -28P,  -24P, -29P, -12PA, -12PB, and -1DX Deep (9/19/05 to 9/29/05).

YMP DTN: MO0709NYE06820.432     TDIF: 320009

RID 6820.xls

meta6820pdf 08/30/07 X
6821 Radiocarbon Dating Results from Beta Analytic, Inc. for Groundwater Samples Collected at YMP Wells (4/25/06 - 4/27/05) and EWDP Wells (9/19/05 - 9/29/05).

YMP DTN: MO0709NYE06821.433     TDIF: 320010

RID 6821.zip

meta6821pdf 08/30/07 X
6822 Major Ions and Metals Results from ACZ Laboratories, Inc. for Groundwater Samples Collected at YMP Wells  (4/25/05 - 4/27/05) and EWDP Wells (9/19/05 - 9/29/05).

YMP DTN: MO0709NYE06822.434     TDIF: 320011

RID 6822.xls

meta6822.pdf 08/30/07 X
7197 Groundwater Chemistry Results Including Major Ions and Metals from ACZ Labs, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta and Tritium from RSE, Stable Isotopes from CSL, and Radiocarbon Dating From Beta Analytic.

YMP DTN: MO0705NYE07197.417     TDIF: 319763

Superseded by RID 7197.01

Superseded by RID 7197.01 05/02/07 X
7197.01 Groundwater Chemistry Results Including Major Ions and Metals from ACZ Labs, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta and Tritium from RSE, Stable Isotopes from CSL, and Radiocarbon Dating From Beta Analytic.

YMP DTN: MO0705NYE07197.417     TDIF: 319763


meta7197_01.pdf 05/18/09 X
7403 Groundwater Chemistry Results Including Major Ions and Metals from ACZ Labs, Tritium Analyzed by RSE, Stable Isotopes Analyzed by CSL, and Radiocarbon Dating From Beta Analytic.

YMP DTN: MO0804NYE07403.453     TDIF: 320218


meta7403.pdf 6/3/08 X
7466 Major Ions and Metals Analyzed by ACZ Labs; Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and Tritium Analyzed by RSE; Stable Isotopes Analyzed by CSL; and Radiocarbon Dating Performed by Beta Analytic.

YMP DTN: MO0810NYE07466.474     TDIF: 320327


meta7466.pdf 10/10/08 X
7586 Groundwater Chemistry Analysis Results from Samples Collected at Inyo County Wells on 2/14/08.

YMP DTN: MO0902NYE07586.489     TDIF: 320362


meta7586.pdf 1/27/09 X
7741 Groundwater Chemistry Results Including Major Ions and Metals from ACZ Labs, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta and Tritium from RSE, Stable Isotopes from CSL and Isotech, Radiocarbon Dating From Beta Analytic, and Arsenic from Applied Speciation.

Superseded by RID 7741.01

Superseded by RID 7741.01 1/7/11 X
7741.01 Groundwater Chemistry Results Including Major Ions and Metals from ACZ Labs, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta and Tritium from RSE, Stable Isotopes from CSL and Isotech, Radiocarbon Dating From Beta Analytic, Arsenic from Applied Speciation, and Desert Research Institute.


meta7741_01.pdf 3/29/12 X

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