The Early Warning Drilling Program (EWDP)
was initiated as part of the Nye County Nuclear Waste
Repository Project Office (NWRPO) Independent Scientific
Investigations Program (ISIP).
The program is intended to provide geologic and
hydrologic information that is needed and has been missing from DOE's
program. The targeted area is located in a complex
hydrogeologic system and it is one of
the least understood hydrogeologic systems in the
vicinity of Yucca Mountain. The questions that are being
investigated are: 1) the origin of the spring deposits; 2) the
geology and hydraulic properties of the valley-floor sediments; 3)
the recharge; and 4) ground-water flow patterns. By
understanding this critical information, the monitoring system can
be better designed to protect the water resources of the Nye County.
Drilling of the EWDP Phase I drillholes was
completed during 1999. Phase I drillholes included:
NC-Washburn-1x. Drillholes NC-EWDP-1D and NC-EWDP-9S were only
cored, and were subsequently abandoned.
Phase II drilling was initiated during
2000. Phase II drillholes included: NC-EWDP-2DB,
All Nye
County EWDP Phase III field work was completed as of 3/31/02.
Nye County water sampling at the EWDP III piezometer wells will be
from 8/26/02 to 8/30/02 and in the multiple-screen monitoring wells from
9/9/02 to 9/13/02.
Exploratory Geologic Sampling Boreholes
efforts on Nye County's NWRPO EWDP Phase III and the second year of the
Alluvial Testing Complex (ATC) began on 07/10/01. Eklund
Drilling arrived onsite 07/09/01. Eklund used a reverse circulation
method to sample the geology at NC-EWDP-19IM1A, and NC-EWDP-19IM2A (on the ATC site),
and NC-EWDP-10SA and NC-EWDP-22SA in the lower Fortymile Wash area on the Nevada Test Site (NTS).
NC-EWDP-19IM1A was
drilled to 900 feet from 07/10/01 to 07/13/01. NC-EWDP-19IM2A was drilled to
900 feet from 07/13/01 to 07/17/01. NC-EWDP-10SA was drilled to 1200
feet from 07/23/01 to 07/28/01 and NC-EWDP-22SA was drilled to 1200 feet from 7/28/01 to 8/02/01.
All sampling boreholes were grouted back to the ground surface upon
completion. The
purpose of these boreholes was to characterize alluvial stratigraphy and
to identify the underlying Tertiary rock units. Samples were
collected and logged over 2.5 foot depth intervals in the alluvium and
over 5 foot depth intervals from underlying units. Every other
alluvium sample (i.e. on 5 foot intervals) was sent to a testing
laboratory for particle size analysis. All of this work was completed
within budget and Eklund Drilling did an outstanding job.
Completion Wells
Beylik Drilling Co. used flooded mud reverse circulation methods
to complete two wells, each well with 5 screened intervals, at the ATC
location. NC-EWDP-19IM1 was completed to a depth of 1012.5 feet on
08/26/01 and NC-EWDP-19IM2 was completed to a depth of 965.6 feet on
09/13/01. In addition, Beylik completed multiple-screen wells
NC-EWDP-10S to a depth of 900 feet on 10/01/01 and NC-EWDP-22S to a depth
of 1196.5 feet on 10/25/01 on the Nevada Test Site. These
multiple-screened wells were constructed to permit determination of
aquifer properties and water chemistries of different screened intervals.
Dual Completion
Piezometer Wells
THF Drilling Co. used casing advance and standard rotary drilling methods
to complete piezometer wells NC-EWDP-18P to a depth of 890 feet on
10/21/01. Casing advance methods only were used to complete NC-EWDP-10P to
a depth of 910 feet on 01/04/01 and NC-EWDP-22PA to a depth of 780 feet on
1/31/02. These wells were sampled, logged, and tested in a similar
manner as the exploratory boreholes drilled by Eklund Drilling Co.
In addition, nearly 30 linear feet of 0.33 foot diameter drive core
samples were collected from selected saturated zone depth intervals
and from 4 unsaturated zone depth intervals in NC-EWDP-10P and -22P.
Eklund Drilling returned in February and completed additional piezometer
wells NC-EWDP-22PB and NC-EWDP-23P. NC-EWDP-22PB contains a
piezometer screen from 880 to 980 feet and one from 1140 to 1180 feet.
Geologic samples were taken at NC-EWDP-23P down to 1340 feet.
However, the borehole caved back to 712 feet and piezometer screens were
installed from 460 to 520 feet and 650 to 690 feet.
During October, 2001 Nye County completed 48-hour aquifer
pump/spinner tests in both of the new multiple-screen wells at the ATC.
In addition, Westbay packers, casing, monitoring ports and hydraulic ports
were installed and groundwater was sampled in all 5 zones of
NC-EWDP-19IM1. Westbay instrumentation was installed into
NC-EWDP-19IM1 on 11/15/01 and pressure and temperature are being monitored
by Nye County and the U.S. Geological Survey under the ATC cooperative
agreement. Cross hole testing, directed by the U.S. Department of Energy,
began at the ATC on 12/11/01 starting with a 48-hour hydraulic
confirmation test of zones 5, 6, and 7 in NC-EWDP-19D.
Additional aquifer testing was
completed during February and March 2002 at NC-EWDP-10S and NC-EWDP-22S.
Subsequently, Westbay casing, packers, monitoring and hydraulic ports were
installed into these wells.
Eklund Drilling arrived onsite on 10/19/02. The abandonment of
NC-EWDP-5S and
-2D was completed on 10/20/02. Drilling of NC-EWDP-28P began on
10/21/02. The borehole was drilled to a total depth of 2,080 feet for geologic sampling,
plugged back to 455 feet, and completed with a single-screen piezometer
from 370 to 450 feet. Drilling of
NC-EWDP-27P began on 11/20/02. The borehole was drilled to a total
depth of 1,900 feet, plugged back to 631 feet, and completed with a
single-screen piezometer from 580 to 620 feet on 12/12/02. Drilling of
NC-EWDP-16P began on 12/13/02. The borehole was drilled to a total depth of 2,900 feet,
plugged back to 560 feet, and completed with a single-screen piezometer
from 489 to 549 feet on 1/27/03.
Phase IV
drilling was then suspended until 6/24/03, when Eklund Drilling began work
on NC-EWDP-29P. The borehole was drilled to a total depth of 791
feet, plugged back to 405 feet, and completed with a single-screen
piezometer from 340 to 390 feet. Drilling of NC-EWDP-24P began on
7/16/03. The borehole was drilled to a total depth of 1,860 feet,
plugged back to 447 feet, and completed with a single-screen piezometer
from 400 to 440 feet.
Phase IV
drilling ended with the construction of sonic corehole NC-EWDP-19PB by
Boart Longyear Co. Drilling began on 12/2/03. The corehole was
drilled to 350 feet, at which point sonic coring was conducted to a total
depth of 634 feet. The corehole was then plugged back to 545 feet
and a dual-string piezometer was completed with screens from 376 to 395
and 515 to 535 feet.
Well Drilling and Completion
Boart Longyear started drilling sonic
corehole NC-EWDP-22PC
on 10/14/2004. The hole was drilled to 460 feet using
reverse-circulation air rotary methods, cased, then the corehole was
advanced from 460 to 763 feet using sonic coring methods. The corehole
was completed on 11/23/04 with a dual-string piezometer with screens
from 510 to 580 feet and 665 to 755 feet. Drilling of NC-EWDP-13P began
on 6/16/05. The borehole was drilled to a total depth of 1,559 feet for
geologic sampling, plugged back to 476 feet, and completed with a
single-string piezometer with screen from 426 to 466 feet on 8/12/05.
Drilling of NC-EWDP-24PB
began on 1/29/06. The borehole was drilled to a total depth of 1,394
feet and completed with a single-string piezometer with a screen from
729 to 770 feet on 3/26/06. In addition to the piezometer, the well was
also completed with u-tube instrumentation that will be used during
future tracer testing.
The two final holes drilled during Phase 5 included
NC-EWDP-32P and –33P. Both of these wells are located south of U.S.
Highway 95 and were drilled after being sited near volcanic anomalies.
The Right of Way grant for DOE borehole VA-5 was transferred to Nye
County, and the borehole was completed on 3/9/06 as well NC-EWDP-33P.
NC-EWDP-33P was completed with a triple-string piezometer with screens
from 211 to 250 feet, 485 to 524 feet, and 601 to 640 feet. Drilling of
NC-EWDP-32P began on 3/28/06. The borehole was drilled to a total depth
of 1,000 feet and completed with a triple-string piezometer with screens
from 239 to 278 feet, 464 to 483 feet, and 698 to 737 feet on 4/25/06.
Nye County tracer testing was
conducted at site 22 during Phase V. Two single-well push/pull
tracer tests were conducted at well NC-EWDP-22S and two cross-hole
tracer tests were conducted at wells NC-EWDP-22S, NC-EWDP-22PA, and
NC-EWDP-22PC between 12/02/04 and 10/13/05.
Well Drilling and Completion
Tech began drilling NC-EWDP-4PC on June 9, 2008. The borehole was
drilled to 460 feet using dual-wall reverse-circulation rotary
methods. Due to problems encountered during drilling, the borehole
was plugged back and abandoned. Abandonment operations were
completed on July 10, 2008.
Drilling on NC-EWDP-4PD began on July 12, 2008. This borehole was
drilled to a total depth of 1,860 feet using
conventional-circulation mud rotary methods. The borehole was
completed as a multiple-screen monitor well, with screens from 317.6
to 397.9 feet, 498 to 638.8 feet, 738.9 to 999.9 feet, 1,059.9 to
1,260.5 feet, 1,480.5 to 1,550.6 feet, and 1,780.8 to 1,851.2 feet.
development activities, isolated-zone aquifer tests were conducted
in each screen of NC-EWDP-4PD. These tests started with screen #6
on February 25, 2009, and were concluded with screen #1 on June 30,
2009. Water quality samples were collected from each screen during
aquifer testing activities.

To view a map of the Phase I, II, III, IV and V drilling locations, click on
the adjacent thumbnail image.
To view a
Phase I and II Summary Information Table for wells drilled during EWDP Phases I and II,
click either the Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or the MS-Excel spreadsheet (.xls)
version below.
Well Summary Table Phases
I and II.pdf
Well Summary Table
Phases I and II.xls
To view a
Phase III Summary Information Table for wells drilled during EWDP Phase
click either the Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or the MS-Excel spreadsheet (.xls)
version below.
Well Summary Table
Phase III.pdf
Well Summary Table
Phase III.xls
To view a
Phase IV Summary Information Table for wells drilled during EWDP
Phase IV, click the Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file below.
Well Summary Table
Phase IV.pdf
Alluvium Cross Section.pdf